It was truly wonderul to perform this Wednesday evening with Julia Juerome at the Watertown Mws Grand Opening! Not only do I feel that we put on a great show (per usual, of course), but this was the first time I really got to book fire eaters, fire dancers, jugglers, and acrobats through my new entertainment agency, Con Moto Entertainment - "With Motion."
Fire eating indoors is one of my favorite things. Not only does the calm air make the act functionally easier, but the feeling of intimacy I get with the audience in a closed space makes for a much more enticing experience all-around. The fire dancing was relegated to a stone wall outside the main building; with Julia performing fire-fans and myself on fire-poi.
Aside from the fire, we got to mingle amongst the attendees. I juggled while Julia stilt-walked, and together we performed a few sets of partner acrobatics!